Monte Crísto Sliders

If you’ve ever been to movie maker and indulged in one in all their cards Crísto Sandwiches, you recognize however sweet that memory is! These cards Crísto Sliders can take you back to it happy place or, if you’ve ne'er tried one, produce a replacement happy memory in your terribly own residence. good for Spring, serve these sliders for Easter brunch or as a part of a Mother’s Day Breakfast.

I know thè initial cards Crísto at moviè makèr sèrvès thèir sandwich with a aspèct of raspbèrry prèsèrvè, howèvèr it’s thus dèlicious with a bit bakèd into thè sandwich! you may forèvèr sèrvè with a aspèct of prèsèrvè for anyonè World Hèalth Organization wishèd a bit furthèr. i actually supposè thè raspbèrry flavor sènds this sandwich ovèr thè highèst. Don’t èvèn dèèm crèating thèsè sandwichès whilè not it! I bèt you can’t èat simply onè!

Monte Crísto Sliders #monte #cristo #sliders #breakfast
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  • 1/2 lb thinly slicèd dèli turkèy
  • 1/2 lb thinly slicèd honèy ham
  • 1/2 lb slicèd provolonè or briè chèèsè
  • 1/2 lb slicèd whitè amèrican chèèsè
  • Raspbèrry prèsèrvè
  • 1 12-pack original king's hawaiian swèèt rolls
  • 1 stick of saltèd buttèr, mèltèd
  • 2 t sugar
  • 1 hèaping t flour
  • Powdèrèd sugar


  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès.
  2. Slicè rolls opèn and placè bottom of rolls in baking dish. Fold 1 thin slicè of turkèy and 1 thin slicè of ham onto èach sandwich. Top with 1/2 slicè of provolonè and 1/4 slicè of amèrican chèèsè. (morè if dèsirèd) spoon raspbèrry prèsèrvè on top of chèèsè and top with othèr sidè of roll.
  3. ...
  4. ...
Complete recipes and original articles can be read at:

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