5 Ways to Learn to Master Grammar in English

5 Ways to Learn to Master Grammar in English

5 Quick Ways to Learn to Master Grammar in English
Language is a tool for communicating by every human being to express his thoughts and needs, but in language, it is necessary to know formal and non-formal forms, even so with English, there is a rule that needs to be learned so that your language is organized regularly called Grammar, basically, grammar is a mindset of Westerners or in other words studying the habits of Caucasians.

Grammar, which in principle is more focused on structure and when you know Grammar, you will be able to distinguish between people who have gone to school and not to school, that is by knowing the language used to speak.
Grammar has 8 important elements
1. Pronoun
2. Noun
3. Verb
4. Adjective
5. Adverb
6. Determine
7. Proposition
8. Conjunction
Seeing from the eight elements, it turns out that learning the part of speech is very necessary but there are many who are said to be lazy to discuss it even though if examined further there are many ways to make it easy for you to learn it ... here we prepare you 5 quick steps to learn Grammar.

1. Start with the easiest
This first step is to start your successful career at Grammar by starting the most basic things, such as learning the type and form of verbs (Verb) changes in the adjective (adjective) and the use of adverb, noun and pronoun, why should the 5 elements this ...? because in your daily life you need the five words, examples of verbs, eat, drink, sleep, etc., that is your all day word.

2. Expand Reading Reads with Good Grammar Arrangements.
The next step in learning grammar is to read a lot of good grammar reading, this is very important to hone your grammar mastery. Everything always needs an example for understanding. So, by increasing your reading in English, you will see how the structure in English is neatly and perfectly formed. you can learn from such small things, which in the end, you will get used to making English sentences.

3. Sharing with Smarter Friends.
Next is to find friends who have English skills that are already masters, then share with them.
Because when you share, it can make you know where lies the mistakes you always make in compiling English sentences. even you can automatically add insight and knowledge that will later make you much faster to develop.
don't embarrassed to ask because people who are English-speaking average are friendly ...

4. Take Pocket Vocabulary
By preparing a biased pocket vocabulary with every security you are confused with new words, here it is necessary for you to get used to always take it, because reading is exploring the world, because of how much evidence from big people start with Reading's habit So don't be afraid, even though it's hard at first, you will get used to it.

5. Application (Practice)
the last step in learning English grammar is tried out ... hehe is not like at school huh ... but yeah it looks a bit different anyway.
Practice is a multlak thing in English because language is a skill that is not Knowledge dominant with memorization, such as biology and science, a simple example; still, remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? You don't count the number of times a day, right? and don't use the formula of riding a bicycle, you just know how you can, which of course starts Practice.
Then, if you can know how to do it? Check out the 3 important points below.

Remember: Remember the structure that you have learned about theory before
Write: Write and make sentence by sentence using correct grammar
Speak up: Say the sentence that you wrote earlier. If necessary, you can
ask friends to listen to you so they can correct which part you have to repair.

 that's the 5 steps to learning English Grammar that you can easily do.
Good luck and happy trying!
For more about present tense please download the book Here
For more about past tense please download the book Here
For more about future tense please download the book Here

For more grammar English book download the book Here

1 Response to "5 Ways to Learn to Master Grammar in English"

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