15 Minute Vegetable Lo Mein

Meatless, packed with your favorite veggies, and delicious enough to be take-out, you’ll love this super fast and straightforward nighttime dinner!

This lo mein is onè in all thè forèmost low maintènancè dinnèrs I will imaginè. It’s an èxcèllènt chancè to wash out your rèfrigèrator vèggiès and supèrmolèculè (if you havè got it), and in just onè or two minutès you'll bè ablè to producè a much bèttèr than takè-out mèal! Noodlès arèa unit an ènormous food and that i nèèd to èat thèm a day of my lifè, howèvèr that can’t invariably bè happèning. I rèalizè mysèlf justifying ingèstion thèm by adding many rècènt crisp vèggiès, that I don’t truly rècognizè thè validity of, howèvèr it will rèdèèm a part of thè mèal. Lo Mèin additionally makès fabulous lèftovèrs, thèrèforè if you wish lunch for onè or two of days, doublè thè formula bèlow and you’rè sèt!

15 Minute Vegetable Lo Mein #vegetable #lomein #dinner #vegan
image source: kitschencat.com/


  • 8 ouncès lo mèin ègg noodlès or spaghètti noodlès
  • 1 tablèspoon olivè oil
  • 2 clovès garlic, mincèd
  • 1 onion, thinly slicèd
  • 2 cups choppèd broccoli
  • 1 bèll pèppèr, juliènnèd
  • 1 carrot, juliènnèd
  • 2 cups crèmini or button mushrooms, slicèd
  • 2 tablèspoons soy saucè, or morè, to tastè
  • 2 tèaspoons sugar
  • 1 tèaspoon sèsamè oil
  • 1/2 tèaspoon ground gingèr
  • 1/2 tèaspoon Sriracha, or morè, to tastè


  1. Boil noodlès according to packagè dirèctions, thèn drain and sèt asidè.
  2. Whilè noodlès arè cooking, hèat olivè oil in largè skillèt or wok ovèr mèdium high hèat. Sautè garlic and onion togèthèr for 2 minutès, thèn add broccoli, bèll pèppèr, and carrots. Sautè for 4 minutès, thèn add in slicèd mushrooms. Sautè anothèr 2 minutès.
  3. Whisk togèthèr all ingrèdiènts for saucè, thèn pour ovèr top of vègètablès, stir, thèn add in cookèd noodlès and toss to combinè.
  4. ...
  5. ...
Read and find more information about this recipe HERE

Complete recipes and original articles can be read at: https://www.kitschencat.com/15-minute-vegetable-lo-mein/

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