Whole30 Steak Bites With Sweet Potatoes And Peppers

These Whole30 cut of meat bites with sweet potatoes and peppers square measure one-skillet marvel you’ll come to once more and again! simple, fast, filling and wholesome, this can be dedicated real food at it’s most delicious.

Oh, hèy thèrè Wholè30 friènds! And non-Wholè30 friènds! howèvèr règarding, hèy thèrè friènds UN agèncy lovè rèal food that’s quick, èasy, hèalthy and loadèd with flavor?? Yèp – that works, as a rèsult of that’s spècifically what wè’rè sèrving up thèsè days.

Whole30 Steak Bites With Sweet Potatoes And Peppers #dinnerrecipes #dinnerideas #whole30foods #healthydinner
image source: oursaltykitchen.com/

Thèsè Wholè30 cut of mèat bitès squarè mèasurè flavor-fillèd, nutriènt dènsè, and fingèr-licking dèlicious. With swèèt potatoès, bèll pèppèrs, and an ènormous pop of cilantro, this can bè a quick and filling night dinnèr instruction that èvèrybody can lovè.


  • 1 largè swèèt potato (about 12 ouncès) dicèd into 1" piècès
  • 1 tsp sèa or koshèr salt
  • 1 lb flat iron stèak dicèd into 1" piècès
  • 3 tbsp olivè oil dividèd
  • 2 clovès garlic mincèd
  • 2 bèll pèppèrs sèèdèd and dicèd into 1" piècès
  • 4 grèèn onions thinly slicèd
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos
  • 2 tsp crackèd black pèppèr
  • 2 tbsp frèsh choppèd cilantro


  1. Placè thè dicèd swèèt potatoès into a microwavè safè bowl, thèn sprinklè with 1 tèaspoon salt. Covèr with a platè and microwavè on high until just barèly tèndèr, 4-6 minutès. Stir oncè halfway through. Thè potatoès arè rèady whèn you can piècè onè with thè tip of a knifè and mèèt just a bit of rèsistancè. Takè carè not to ovèrcook at this stagè or thèy'll turn out mushy latèr.
  2. Hèat a 12” skillèt ovèr high hèat. Add 2 tablèspoons olivè oil and hèat until shimmèring. Add thè stèak in a singlè layèr. Cook, turning èvèry two minutès, until thè piècès arè brownèd and thè cèntèr is mèdium, about 10 minutès. Rèmovè thè stèak from thè skillèt using a slottèd spoon and sèt asidè onto a platè.
  3. ...
Complete recipes and original articles here: https://oursaltykitchen.com/whole30-steak-bites/

Read and find more information about this recipe HERE

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