27 Effective Ways to Improve English

Effective Ways To Improve Communication And Your English Fluency
27 Effective Ways to Improve English

27 Effective Ways to Improve English
1. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
2. Sure. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you made a  mistake.
3. Surround yourself in English.
4. Put yourself in an English-speaking an environment where you can learn
5. The best way to learn is through talking.
6. Practice every day.
7. Make yourself a study plan.
8. Decide how much time a week you will spend studying and obeying it.
9. Set a routine.
10. Tell your family and friends about your study plan.
11. Make them encourage you to learn and also don't let them bother you.
12. Practice 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. All that needs to be done so you can improve.
13. Keep a notebook of the new words you are learning. Use them in
     sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak. Visit the EC English learning website for free at least once a day and complete the lesson.
14. Memorizing lists is one of the most common ways to learn vocabulary for an exam. This is only a good exercise for short-term learning because you often don't store the information you have learned for the exam.
15. Use your body clock. If you are not a morning person, study in the afternoon. You will find words that are easier to remember if you try to remember examples of sentences using that word rather than the word itself. Plan to take the test. You will find that you work harder when you need to learn for something. Saying that it's better not to study only to take the test.
16. Think a bigger picture. What can you do when you have good English skills? How will your quality of life improve? Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working on it. Give yourself short-term goals too and reward yourself when you reach each one.
17. Create an atmosphere where you want to learn, not because you have to study. You will learn more when you study because you want it. Know what's best for you.
18. Think about what methods have worked for you in the past and keep using them.
19. Find out how you study. Can memorize, read, speak, summarize or other methods.
20. Find out how you learn best. It can be in a quiet place alone or with a group.
21. Get help! If you don't understand something, you have to ask someone. Ask for help from your teacher, classmate, or friend. Review! Review! Review!
22. Make sure you take the time to review the things you have learned in the past. It's not a good idea to study alone for more than 30 minutes every time. Rest regularly, get fresh air, and stretch your legs.
23. Don't rush to level up. Concentrate on your level now. Watch DVDs rather than TV. It's better to use something you can keep an eye on for information that you might miss first. Watching TV only gives you the opportunity to hear something right the first time. This is better for high-level students. This can be a good exercise to talk to native English speakers so you don't have to ask them to repeat themselves! Read multilevel readers. These books are written specifically for your level. Read the whole novel. You can do it! You will feel happy afterward. Children's books have words that are easier and are a good alternative for readers who are assessed. Newspapers are a good place to find passive construction. Read the article and see if you can find passive sentences. Read for general meaning first.
24. Don't worry about understanding each word, then go back and look for new words. For words that you don't understand in a sentence, look at other words around it. They will give you instructions.
25. Guess what the meaning of the context is. Learn basic words. They will help you guess the meaning of words. For example scripts = write, min = small When you learn a new word, think of all the other forms: beautiful (adjective), beauty (noun), beautiful (adverb). Learn the prefix (dis-, un-, re-) and suffix (-ly, -ment, -ful), this will help you to find out the meaning of words and build your vocabulary. English, unlike Japanese or French, uses word pressure. For new words, count the syllables and find where the pressure is. Only one pressure per word and always on vocals. Two syllable verbs have pressure on the tribe

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