Common Mistakes When Speaking English

Common Mistakes When Speaking English
Common Mistakes When Speaking English

RC. Have you ever talked to native speakers? And been nervous when faced with it? And even you often make mistakes? Do not worry that many people do it, including me and you too, but below we will discuss the mistakes of Indonesian people when speaking native speakers ... What do you want to know? Yuukk we immediately refer to the explanation below.

A. You worry a lot and fear doing wrong (Worry and Mistaken)
If we talk about fear, of course, all of us can feel and often experience it, but fear this time is not fear of gosht, hahaha, or fear of demons and so on, not that, but this is afraid of being positive, afraid to be able to, this is which often occurs in English students when speaking to native speakers.
So what should be done? Yes, don't be afraid to make mistakes. After all, English is not the language of the country. it is natural that we make grammar mistakes or pronunciation because it is not our native language.
But you need not be afraid to start speaking with native speakers, even if you are wrong sometimes they will also teach you, right, right, taught by the blonde...

B. Most think about starting Questions
 We often think like this when meeting native speakers, Hmm ... what's a good question? Hmm ... if it looks like this, is he offended? If you ask, what do you think he wants to answer? Hmm ... if you ask like this ... if you ask ... Hehehe. So troublesome too, first the blonde goes to yours. The chance isn't thrown away.
Of course he will leave quickly. No one like waiting right? That's your fault, he thinks forever. Time is money!
If you want to speak fluently you should practice speaking, every day and then you do it, so that you will not be afraid to speak to the native speaker anymore.

C. Much Embarrassed So Minder
Sometimes you often practice speaking in front of the mirror and everything, however, the turn in front of the native speaker suddenly heng and the tongue suddenly stiffen. Its nothing, just keep silent.
That indicates your level of embarrassment is high enough to be unable to speak out because it's so embarrassing. Remember, you are not the first person to feel it. everyone has a different level of shame. From mostly embarrassed to shamelessness. Ha ha ha..
If you have a high level of shame, it's natural. You only need to control your emotions and feelings. By the way, inhale, smile and fix the thought you are "English is easy. I can speak well. "With the influence of this positive perception, your mouth will be moved to pronounce English sentences. It's easy, right?

D. Asking the blonde to repeat the sentence many times until it's saturated
 What is your action when you don't understand the native speaker's words? Of course, asking him to repeat it right. Well, it's only natural if you ask him to repeat it, twice or thrice. But don't let it happen many times.
Imagine if you were asked to repeat the position many times, how do you feel? Of course, you will run away and feel bad.
Even so with native speakers, they are also the same people as us, so we need to understand good ethics and social science ... how do you do it, Mr.? The trick is to listen to it until it's finished, understand the beginning of the sentence and the end of the sentence that is said, Insyaaalh you can take the point. Then give the appropriate response then continue the next question. Easy right?

E. Less Focus on Listening to Native Speakers
When native speakers tell a story or explain something, in your mind you are busy arranging words for the next question. And finally, you don't focus on listening and skipping important points.
Because you don't focus on native speaker's speech, you might throw a question that he explained earlier. So that sometimes it makes him confused, Be careful and put your ears well if you hear the answer "as I said just now ..." it shows you people who are out of focus.
So the solution is to focus when they talk, which is a lot of knowledge that we get.

Such are the mistakes that are often felt by English students. Hopefully useful and useful for all of us ...

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