Fun English Games simple and easy way

Fun English Games simple and easy way

 Fun English Games (Easy)

Can learning while playing?
It is very possible that it is the creativity of the teacher in delivering the material, according to the book we read, that the student was most focused on listening to the teacher only in the first 7 minutes, after that he did not focus.
Based on the statement, it will lead to student saturation when learning may be possible so they will feel bored fast, which is mainly in English learning, so it is necessary for you as a teacher to provide stimulus and stimulation about what makes them like your pursuit.
Related to that, here there needs to be a game in learning to various activities which 75% in the class mostly write, hehhee ... it must be tired especially those who like dictation.
Games are almost a necessity in the world of education and not a few of us see in the package or module learning a lot that provides game games to be applied, but many educators are also confused to practice it and even don't know how or in other words lazy to wear it ... but sir/mom just calm down here we provide 6 types of fun games that you can easily apply in class, whatever let's go,,,, check it out.

1. Guess Words
This game is very easy to apply just by the way you write the vocabulary on the board then each word suffix is ​​directly connected by the other students.
The picture is like this:
First, ask your female students to make a roundabout if it is not possible that you can also use their row of seats,
Then after that, you give a simulation or an example of a game that will be tried on students, such as the word Sleep connected with the initial letter P = people, E = ending, G = good, D = dark, K = kite and so on until all student students you got it,
Furthermore, you also need to make an agreement when students cannot join or overtime in answering, give punishment by going forward to sing or dance ... hehehehe, it would be nice right?

2. Speed ​​of Thinking
This the second game is a game to train students' vocabulary in the speed of thinking because they have to answer in just 5 seconds, imagine this is how you train it, but of course with the student data you have 9th grade in junior high school or high school students because of the level also determine the smooth running of this game ...
The picture of the game is like this;
First socialize to students about the game ... that you will play a speed thinking game ... by making a circle roundabout in the class then after neatly you just ask your students to name names of various kinds of fruits, one student answers one just the name of the fruit, and so on, remember the category is Fruits.
Then you energetically attack children by giving just 5 seconds, and when they cannot answer can be given punishment is up to you, as well as students who run out of time can be asked to sing and others ...
However, those who can answer you also need to prepare a reward, it can be in the form of sweets or snacks which are of course cheap and cheap, hehehe, so that you don't reduce your honorarium. we mean the cost of gasoline.
Furthermore, after you finish the fruit category, you can connect it with categories of animals, flowers, food, people's names, etc.

3. Guess the Movement
This game is unique and exciting, but you need to practice one day before applying it in class, but don't worry it doesn't drain the sweat, just enough to show what words or sentences you will use in the class later ... curious right ?? Yuok, let's look at the steps below;
First you don't need to ask the children to make another roundabout like the two games above, just ask the students to focus on you ...
Second, you ask students to guess your movements in English like you want to use them word TAKE,, move your hands and body to take something, then ask the children to guess your movements ... for the word BRING, let's go bring something, as for the word you can use in this game is,
Drink, Eat, Kick, Jump, Walk, Sitdown, Stand, Write, Reading, Write, Angry, Confuse, Bored, Cut, Happy, Sleep, Payer.

4. Direction
This game is what you can do outside the classroom to maximize the excitement, The direction is the direction or the way the students will go, curious ...? here we go.
The way;
After all students are outside the class, make them groups that in one group there are 2-3 people. Then make a field that will be passed by students, such as a bend, there is wood that cannot be traversed and must turn left or right and make a small hole that students must jump over,
The next step after the terrain is finished, make two students in one

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