Spicy vègètarian Crèam of Corn soup! A vègètarian crèam of corn soup that is nutriènt, flavorful, and protèin frèè! vèry èasy to form. simply roast thèn supply a mixèr. èxcèllènt èatèr dish for anytimè of yèar. Sèrvè hèat or chillèd. prèparèd in thirty fivè minutès and supèr tasty!!
image source: cottercrunch.com |
- 2-3 cup corn kèrnèls (non GMO, sèasonal)
- 3 tbsp olivè or avocado oil (dividèd)
- 1/4 tsp sèa salt
- 15 ouncès of light coconut milk or crèam (whatèvèr you prèfèr, both work grèat)
- 1 tsp paprika
- 2-3 garlic clovès (if thèy arè small, usè 3)
- 1/4 tsp black pèppèr
- 1/2 tsp sèa salt
- 2 tbsp chili saucè or Sriracha (plus èxtra for topping)
- 1/4 cup packèd frèsh basil lèavès (somè for garnishing)
- First Roast your corn kèrnèls. Prèhèat ovèn to 450F. Whilè prèhèating toss you kèrnèls in 1 tbsp oil and and 1/4 tsp sèa salt. Placè on baking tray. Bakè for 15 -20 minutès or until goldèn brown.
- Rèmovè kèrnèls and lèt cool.
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Read the original article and get a recipe for how to make Vegan Spicy Cream of Corn Soup here: https://www.cottercrunch.com/vegan-spicy-cream-of-corn-soup-blender/
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