Foolproof French Macarons

Not to be confused with the sweet coconut primarily based Macaroons, French Macarons (pronounced mah-kah-ROHN) ar lightweight, ethereal associate degreed delicate topping sandwich cookies baked in an infinite array of flavors and fillings. the essential ingredients for the macaron shells ar simple: Egg whites, granulated sugar, sugar, and almond flour.

But, as bèautiful as thèy arè to look at, Frènch Macarons can bè a littlè tricky to mastèr.  Thèir airy, dèlicatè tèxturè comès with a bit of baking finèssè and you nèèd to achièvè “macaronagè” for thè pèrfèct cookiè shèll. “Macaronagè” is a baking tèrm rèfèrring to thè folding of thè macaron’s dry ingrèdiènts with thè stiffly whippèd ègg whitès.  You’vè achièvèd thè pèrfèct tèxturè, whèn thè macarons bakè with shiny domèd tops and a crinklèd bottom rufflè known as a “foot”.  Cookiès that bakè flat or with cracks indicatè thè macaron battèr was èithèr ovèr or undèr mixèd.



Foolproof French Macarons #desserts #snacks #dessertrecipes

Read and find more information about this recipe HERE

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