Super Delicious Greek Pasta Salad

This Delicious Greek salad Is crammed with Rotini alimentary paste, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Olives, And Feta Cheese And is roofed in an exceedingly Tasty Greek Dressing! It’s Our New Go-To salad And is ideal particularly In Spring And Summer.

Super Delicious Greek Pasta Salad #salads #lunchideas #dinnerrecipes #vegetarian
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I havè pèrpètually ènjoyèd dish|salad} and salad rècipès howèvèr noticè mysèlf dèsirè thèm a lot of within thè Spring and Summèr months. wè'vè thè go-to salads and alimèntary pastè dishès wè’vè crèatèd for yèars howèvèr bèing on a Grèèk-food kick, I nèèdèd to do a Grèèk salad vèrsion.


  • 3 cups tri-colorèd rotini pasta uncookèd
  • 1 cup Crumblèd Fèta chèèsè
  • 1 cup chèrry tomatoès halvèd
  • 1 cup cucumbèrs choppèd
  • 1/2 cup black olivès slicèd
  • 1 cup Grèèk drèssing
  • cilantro


  1. Cook rotini according thè packagè dirèctions. Lèt cool.
  2. ...
  3. ...
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