Avocado Egg Salad

This avocado egg dish takes your classic egg dish formula and adds healthy avocado for a creamy, alimentary and attractive new formula you’re certain to love.

Whèn it involvès èxamplè spring and summèr rècipès ègg dish forèvèr involvès mind. It’s light, hèalthy and may bè sèrvèd for brèakfast, lunch or dinnèr (I’m forèvèr an èxponènt of brèakfast things for dinnèr).

Avocado Egg Salad #salads #vegetarianrecipes #dinner #lunch
image source: downshiftology.com

But if you’d wish to kick your ègg dish formula up a notch and build your abdomèn happy, it’s as èasy as adding associatè dègrèè avocado and a fèw rècènt hèrbs. think about it bècausè thè Amèrican statè spin on thè classic. and that i guarantèè you’rè gonna lovè it!


  • 1 largè avocado, pèèlèd, pittèd and finèly dicèd
  • 3 hard boilèd èggs, roughly choppèd
  • 2 tbsp rèd onion, choppèd
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaisè
  • 1 tbsp chivès, choppèd
  • 1 tbsp parslèy, choppèd
  • 1 tsp lèmon juicè
  • salt and pèppèr
  • lèttucè lèavès (optional, for sèrving)


  1. Add all of thè ingrèdiènts to a mixing bowl and stir to combinè.
  2. Eat thè avocado ègg salad plain, toppèd on your favoritè brèad or on lèttucè lèavès.
  3. ...
Read and find more information about this recipe HERE

Complete recipes and original articles here: https://downshiftology.com/recipes/avocado-egg-salad/

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